KG Cuticle Hair
” It is the best quality that exists in the world for the following reasons:
1) Hair comes from only one person (donor).
Advantage: This ensures that they behave the same in all technical work and styling ensuring a perfectly uniform and natural result.
2) Who are the donors?
Young girls who do not “damaged” their hair with technical work (colored, etc.)
Advantage: Hair is “virgin” with all of its natural protein.
3) Collection
When hair is harvested the hair becomes first ponytail and then cut. This process allows all hair to be intact and flow in the same direction. The hair will stay in that bundle in the entire process ensuring the cuticles stay in the same direction.
Advantage: This means that hair behaves like our regular hair in hairstyle etc and we have a perfectly natural result
4) Production Process
The hair will be divided into 3 different groups. The first being suitable to make Dark colors. The second group is suitable for medium colors and the last group is suitable for light colors. Thereafter, the hair is impregnated in nutrient solution for about 12 hours. This protects the hair protein and moisture, so that hair is not destroyed, especially during bleaching, on hair applied. For blond colors such as: # 22, # 24, # 613, # 60 bleaching is done with cold water for 5-7 days with natural products to keep the hair of its cuticles intact and in the same direction. This process is done slowly to ensure that the hair does not dry out so they will not tangle
After the hair is bleached it is then be soaked in another nutrient solution for 2 hours and at the end the hair is washed at least 6 times to keep it clean
Advantage: Hair is not at” risk ” from chemical treatments and maintains its naturalness until the final stage of the production process.